His Imperial Majesty, Llywelyn +++ Imperator of Avalon, Atlantean Emperor, British Emperor, Celtic Emperor, Roman Emperor, Gallic Emperor, Augustus, Pontifex Maximus, King of Jerusalem, Great King of the Britons, Celtic King of the Britons, Pharaoh of Egypt, King of the Titans, King of Alban, Defender of the Britons, Chiefest of the Britons, Supporter of the whole kingdom of Britons, Brenin y Brythoniaid, Rex Orbus, Rex Britannorum, Brittannie Rex, Teyrn y Prydain, Brenin y Prydain, King of Troy, Gomer, Cronus, Sadyrn, Brenin y Cymru, King of the Welsh, Tywysog Cymru, Conductor of the Unified Roar, King of Greece, Quetzalcoatl, Y Mab Darogan, according to the signs and symbols of sovereignty and the constitutional and international laws.
British Emperor Llywelyn Uthyrpendragon was born in Oceanside, California, U.S.A. to the name Lawrence Jones Jr in 1983. After putting forward his claim to British kingship, he took the ancient British name Llywelyn, in honour of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd. Llywelyn ap Gruffudd was cut down at a peace meeting, and his severed head was placed on a spike near the tower of London by Edward Longshanks (Norman). Longshanks had Llywelyn’s head crowned with the international symbol of an emperor, in mockery of the prophecies that the Britons would be restored in the future. Uthyrpendragon is not a surname, it is a military title for when the monarch is also the commander of the military. Uthyrpendragon translates to “Wonderful Pendragon”. It is a proper British military title.
He made international news, after word spread of his claim to the office of British kingship. He shared an arbitral award with news agencies after a story was published about a man that intending on claiming titles and an office that Llywelyn already occupied. Though the whole matter was likely part of a psyop, as the usurpers of Britain were already aware of his legitimate claim, and just wanted to make him appear ridiculous and insincere. His claim is a valid form of diplomatic protest, which has kept the legitimate Britsh sovereignty alive. Most people incorrectly believe that Britain was conquered several times over. But in truth, there is no conquest without ‘debellatio’, only the claims of conquest by third parties, as Owain Glyndwr would prove in the 1400’s when he raised the banner of the Pendragon and showed the world the previous claims to conquest null and void.
Llywelyn Uthyrpendragon has a rich and mixed ancestry, being British, English, German, Irish, and Hebrew on his father’s side, and Spanish, Mexican, and Native American on his mother’s line. His military service made him a warrior according to ancient British standards, having earned the right to bear a sword, as well as in his native American tribe. A warrior is the tribal equivalent of nobility in native American culture. However, he is not the first British royal to have native American ancestry. In the British poem, ‘Englynion Ymddiddan’ (Conversation Metres) found in The Myvyrian archaiology of Wales: collected out of ancient manuscripts (1870) page 130, it describes King Arthur II having a conversation with his nephew ‘Lliwlod’. Lliwlod translates to a ‘coloured person’ having red or brown skin. Prince Madoc (Madoc son of Uthyr), brother of Arthur II (Arthur son of Uthyr) discovered America in 562 AD. Madoc is famous and he appears in the triads. He is also called Madoc Attychwel “who returned again” and is identified as a skilled sailor.
“Rhwng Arthur ab Uthyr a’i nai Liwlod ab Madoc ab Uthyr oed Farw”- ac wedi ymrithio yn rhith Eryr. Allan o’r Llyfyr Gyrdd
“Between Arthur son of Uthyr, and his nephew Liwlod son of Madoc son of Uthyr in the time of his farewell”- and after the discovery of the nature of Eryr (towards the opposite)
Verse 6. “Arthur, swordsman keen and terrible, Do not cast off anything in your haste. I am what exists, the son of Madoc, the son of Uthyr.”
Whilst some may feel that his American birth should have excluded him from British dynastic succession, his claim actually fulfilled the British Druidic and Bardic prophecies, or the Prophecies of Merlin, as they are called in the English “Bruts”. It was a lawful claim, according to the British or Welsh laws. The Daroganau (Prophecies) compose approximately 20% of all ancient British literature. They are a cornerstone of British political ideology. Several daroganau state that Y Mab Darogan (the son of the prophecy) would be an “allfro” (Expatriot or foreigner) rather than a Cymro (native) from “across the sea”, which would redeem and restore the people to the correct church and history, and would run counter to the popular historical belief, he will rally the Britons internationally, and will liberate the inhabitants of Britain and Brittany (Breizh/Llydaw) from the tyrants and “usurpers”. Llywelyn made international news when he lodged his claim to British sovereignty based on the required British succession laws and his DNA. His claim to the title Rex Britannorum (King of Britain) was made public for more than a year and a day, and no one, to include the Windsors (Mountbatten-Saxe-Coburg-Gotha-Hannover) raised issue against him.
His Imperial Majesty’s Y-chromosome, which passes from father to son virtually unchanged, made him a legitimate British dynast according to the British laws and customs. According to these laws the Windsors are unqualified. This is why the Windsors do not have any of the titles or style of the legitimate British monarchs. His Y-chromosome terminal SNP is R-BY87004, which places him in the Pretani (British) L-21 tree lateral of the Stuarts of Scotland. This matches with the genesis legend of Britain which states that the British and Scottish royal families were descended of the ancient Kings of Great Britain, or the Christian Imperial British dynasty.
Owain Glyndwr Tywysog Cymru (Prince/King of Britain) writes to the King of Scotland in the early 1400’s: “Most esteemed Lord and Royal cousin, may it please you and your royal excellence to know that Brutus, your most noble ancestor and mine, was originally the first crowned King to live in this kingdom of England, which used to be known as ‘Great Britain’. Brutus fathered three sons, namely Albanactus and Locrinus and Kamber; you are descended from the direct line of this Albanactus, while the descendants of this Kamber ruled as Kings until the time of Cadwaladr, who was the last crown King of my people, and from whose direct line I, your humble cousin, am descended. Since his death, however, my forebearers and all my people have been, as we still are, subjected and held in bondage by my and your mortal enemies, the Saxons “. ’Owain Glyndŵr, a casebook’, Livingston & Bollard (2013) Liverpool University Press, p. 478
200 years later in Percy Enderbie’s 1661 “Cambria Triumphans”, Enderbie a self-proclaimed Welshman and English propaganda writer, presents a “Genealogy of Charles the 2nd, Monarch of Great Brittain, from the Welsh Blood,” which traces the Scottish king’s ancestry from Cadeth “King of South-wales” through several kings and princes of Wales to the marriage between Nest, “daughter of the Welsh King Griffith ap Lhewelyn, and Fleance, Son of Banquo”; the issue of this royal pair was Walter Stuart, first in the Stuart line.
His Imperial Majesty’s parents divorced when he was quite young and he was raised in two houses, until at 16 years old he was emancipated and took care of his own needs. After graduating from Escondido Charter High School, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps, where he received a meritorious promotion for his leadership abilities in boot camp. Llywelyn obtained the rank of Sergeant as enlisted aircrew on the MV-22 Osprey at the VMX-22 experimental test and evaluation squadron.
He was one of the first to fire a weapon from the VTOL aircraft, and possibly the first ever to jettision a load from the aircraft in a real emergency. After his career in the U.S. Marines, he worked as a defense contractor and subject matter expert on the V-22. He took a position with Bell Textron where at one point he was the #1 employee of the company. Llywelyn sued Bell Textron for constructive termination. The matter has been settled out of the courts. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Organisational Leadership. Llywelyn Uthyrpendragon is a first language English speaker, and a British (Cymraeg) and Spanish learner. Llywelyn is a champion of servant leadership, and a true defender of the people. He is the first monarch in centuries to come from the people.
In 2023, he purchased a harbour queen named “Encanto”, a custom-built steel sloop built by legendary sailor and world record holder, Serge Testa. The ship was in dire condition and hadn’t been sailed in over ten years. The imperial and royal family breathed new life into the vessel and made it operational once again. They changed the name from Encanto to Prydain, meaning Britain. The Britons have a saying, Tra môr tra Brython, meaning, “As long as there is a sea, there will be Britons”.
As a result of his claim, and rallying the Britons internationally, he has received a great deal of harassment, rape, and even death threats. Mostly from members and former members of the English Army. Most likely from the 77th Brigade, which swears allegiance only to the ‘usurpers of Britain’, rather than the British nation, constitution, flags, or otherwise. Most people are completely oblivious to the massive machine working against them, repeating false information from every venue, spreading false history and propaganda; all allegedly in the name of unity and the common good. Yet, we all know that this common good seems to only benefit a few elites. The B.B.C. (ironically not British) produced a television show episode to mock him, which completely ignorant of British culture, history, literature, and the British restoration belief long held by the Brits.
“71. The sovereign ought to revenge the injuries of the state, and to protect the citizens. Whoever offends the state, injures its rights, disturbs its tranquillity, or does it a prejudice in any manner whatsoever, declares himself its enemy, and exposes himself to be justly punished for it. Whoever uses a citizen ill, indirectly offends the state, which is bound to protect this citizen; and the sovereign of the latter should avenge his wrongs, punish the aggressor, and, if possible, oblige him to make full reparation; since otherwise the citizen would not obtain the great end of the civil association, which is safety.” Emer de Vattel, The Law of Nations, Or, Principles of the Law of Nature, Applied to the Conduct and Affairs of Nations and Sovereigns, with Three Early Essays on the Origin and Nature of Natural Law and on Luxury
My goal is to build the people back up, not to break them down. It is not hard to cultivate a golden age if that is the goal you set out to achieve.
The problem today is that usurpers, tyrants, and their sycophants need the people to remain impoverished to conceal and continue their illegitimacy, to the detriment of the very people they pretend to protect.
Fy nod yw adeiladu’r bobl yn ôl i fyny, nid eu dymchwel. Nid yw’n anodd meithrin oes aur os mai dyna’r nod rydych chi’n ceisio ei gyflawni.
Y broblem heddiw yw bod anrheithwyr, tyrannwyr, a’u cyn-greuddynau eu hangen ar y bobl i aros yn dlawd er mwyn cuddio a pharhau eu hanrheithrwydd, er gwaethaf y bobl y maent yn esgus eu bod yn eu hamddiffyn.
Ma c’houlenn a ran eo krouiñ ar bobl en-dro, hag n’eo ket kuitaat anezho. N’eo ket diaes d’arveriñ oaj aour ma’z eo-se an hent a fell deoc’h da wiriañ.
Ar problem hiziv a zo evel-se evel an dud a zistruj, an tiranoù, ha re a zedenn o c’halon d’ar bobl da vevañ en droug evit kuzhañ ha kendalc’hañ o duduziñ, d’ar gounidigezh a dud vrasañ a zisplegont o vammenn da ziskouezhañ.
My niver yw gwrys an bobel yn-kerdh, nag y fydh gul ynter an bobel. Ny wrug y hwath yskubelya tus avel a vynnav y dhrehevel. An keth gorn a hedhyw yw bos keuseryon, tiryasow, hag a’ga sycophants an bobel ankeunyek dhe wul yeth war-lergh ha kemeres y le yn-dann, dhe’n gwayn an bobel a wra ow tos rag enduyn a’n bobel y talv y dhifennya.
“Myn goll yw dhisplegya an bobl, ny yw dhe’n yll an drehevel. Ny yw hardh dhe wul an yeth golen ma, ma yw an goll a’th a-derivas.
An broblem hedhyw yw dhe’n usurpers, tyrants, ha dhe’n sycophants a’th hwir ow kelwel an bobl dhe vyns bewnans, dhe gofya ha dhe gwerez hedhyw an illegitimacy, dhe’n gwell an bobl a’th owth gura.”
“Mi objetivo es reconstruir al pueblo, no derribarlo. No es difícil cultivar una edad dorada si ese es el objetivo que te has propuesto alcanzar.
El problema hoy en día es que los usurpadores, tiranos y sus aduladores necesitan que el pueblo siga empobrecido para ocultar y continuar su ilegitimidad, en detrimento de las mismas personas que pretenden proteger.”
“Mon objectif est de reconstruire le peuple, pas de le briser. Il n’est pas difficile de cultiver un âge d’or si tel est l’objectif que vous vous êtes fixé.
Le problème aujourd’hui est que les usurpateurs, les tyrans et leurs flatteurs ont besoin que le peuple reste appauvri pour dissimuler et continuer leur illégitimité, au détriment même des personnes qu’ils prétendent protéger.”
His Imperial Majesty is the only party in the world legitimately capable of producing a record of title to the native hereditaments, and a valid, true, and sovereign title to Great Britain. His claim precludes all others on the principles of: de jure British constitutional law (Welsh law), de jure British dynastic law, private international law, public international law, laches, non-belligerent occupation, state succession, international prescriptive law, proprietary estoppel, equitable estoppel, non-violent and peaceful conquest, international prescriptive laws, adverse possession, usucaption. These legal principles are all conclusive and final.