The Britons are the direct contiunation of international personality from the ancient Britons. Just as the British history is interlocking and supported by British people living in Britain and British territories on the continent. The British people are alike in customs, ancestry, and beling to the same Celtic language group. There is a shared historical identity and memory. We are the legitimate direct descendants of the Britons, and the only people in the world with a legal right to contract as British, or Britons.
‘It could be, then, that the abandonment of ‘Britannia’ as a word to denote ‘Wales’ was related to a belief that ‘Britannia’ should henceforth be used for the WHOLE island which was the rightful inheritance of the Welsh, as the heirs of the Britons.’ Huw Pryce, “British or Welsh? National Identity in Twelfth-Century Wales”, The English Historical Review , Sep., 2001, Vol. 116, No. 468 (Sep., 2001), pp. 775-801 Oxford University Press
‘Walenses enim a prima Britonum prosapia continua sanguinis successione deducti, tocius Britannie dominium sibi de iure deberi iactitant.’ ‘The stock of a continuous succession of blood, from the first of the Britons, the Welsh had brought on their way, and the whole of Britain, which is due to put it of the ownership of the right to contract.” Letters of Arnulf of Lisieux, ed. Frank Barlow (Camden, 3rd Ser., LXI, I939), no. 42, pp. 77-8; Gerald Camhrensis: The Invectionibus, 51, Pp. 84-5. Hubert’s letter is calendared in Episcopal Acts ed. Davies, i. 308 (D. 308).
‘The title ‘Briton’ is to-day borne by many peoples in many lands, few of whom, probably realise that, strictly speaking, it is the Welshman alone who is entitled to that name’. Wales; Her Origins, Struggles and Later History, Institutions and Manners (1915), London) Gilbert Stone‘, English judge, and politician.
In the version of the “Chronicles of England” printed by Gerard Leew of Antwerp (1493), a Dutch printer, which was later edited by Friedrich W. D. Brie, PH.D.; the text makes mention of how “Britain was changed to England“ on page XV and in chapters 91-100. According to customary international law, there may be no conquest without debellatio. Owain Glydwr proved in the 1400’s that the Britons were had not been conquered at any point when he rallied them under the banner of the golden dragon. The Britons and Bretons alike rallied under the banner of their ancestors.